When It Comes To Cancer, It’s Not Right To Blame Bad Luck Alone – Research

As per the new analysis proclaimed in Nature Magazine, which conducted various investigations to analyse the reason for initiating cancer, it was concluded that cancer is generally an outcome of superficial, ecological influence contrary to “bad luck” as it is deemed. Researches about reason for ailment aroused confrontations amongst scientists wherein one group was of the opinion that two-thirds cancer was due to bad luck only. The recent theory claims that cancer is only due to foreign aspects and only 10 to 30 percent are congenital aspects.

The external factors implies exposure to ultra violet radiations, contact with poisons, smoking etc.to name a few. After going through the studies time has come to take steps for prevention of cancer and thereby protect public health.

According to news published after survey by US based IMS institute in May 2014 about $100 billion is spent on cancer countermeasures globally which in the last five years is increasing at 6.5 percent compound annual growth rate. The study was conducted by a team of doctors, including Song Wu, Scott Powers, Wei Zhu and led by Yusuf Hannun, at Stony Brook University in New York.

Investigation and cure for cancer and tumors remain focused with Us and five large European countries accounting to 66 percent of total market wherein the Pharmaceutical companies are eager not to overlook raised expenses.

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