No! It’s no extension to James Camereon’s Titanic. There will be no Rose, Jack or The Elite of the Elite of London. Instead there will be terror, power, passion and oodles of adventure. Samit Basu has done it again! The Saminquin Prophecies author has explored the excellent theme of fate of the world hanging by a thread in this young-adult thriller.

There is a powerful Morningstar agency operating since ages whose Boss, Mr. Morningstar is ‘Immortal’. The agents are powerful in a unique way (sometimes supernatural tooooo!). One such star agent Nathaniel brown, an Anglo Indian, having many alluring powers of talking to the wild, possessing many abilities of different creatures and having laser-sharp senses has to prevent a stolen jem from reaching America while on board Titanic. The creatures he have to fight are dangerous in a frightening way leading to many hair rising moments…
A good fiction with a lot of off-beat actions. Although not a must-read it should be on the shelf of every book reader because of Samit Basu’s lucid yet intriguing way of writing. The fiction is heavy-weight and we don’t realize how we got the child out of us! A beautiful, lucid, simple yet engrossing read. Kidults can surely go for it.
Overall Rating: 3/5
No! It’s no extension to James Camereon’s Titanic. There will be no Rose, Jack or The Elite of the Elite of London. Instead there will be terror, power, passion and oodles of adventure. Samit Basu has done it again! The Saminquin Prophecies author has explored the excellent theme of fate of the world hanging by a thread in this young-adult thriller.
There is a powerful Morningstar agency operating since ages whose Boss, Mr. Morningstar is ‘Immortal’. The agents are powerful in a unique way (sometimes supernatural tooooo!). One such star agent Nathaniel brown, an Anglo Indian, having many alluring powers of talking to the wild, possessing many abilities of different creatures and having laser-sharp senses has to prevent a stolen jem from reaching America while on board Titanic. The creatures he have to fight are dangerous in a frightening way leading to many hair rising moments…
A good fiction with a lot of off-beat actions. Although not a must-read it should be on the shelf of every book reader because of Samit Basu’s lucid yet intriguing way of writing. The fiction is heavy-weight and we don’t realize how we got the child out of us! A beautiful, lucid, simple yet engrossing read. Kidults can surely go for it.
Overall Rating: 3/5