Indian Government’s Bharat Operating System Solutions (BOSS) To Replace Microsoft Windows

Government of India (GoI) shall pretty soon have its ingenious operating system up and running for almost all official uses. The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) has developed a super-secure OS called Bharat Operating System Solutions or in short BOSS, which is set to replace the current Microsoft Windows OS running in government systems all across the country. The system has successfully passed a crash test which the Indian Army, DRDO and others have been trying hard to clear with their own systems.


The new OS shall roll out as early as this week, though practically it will take much longer for it to be common in government office all over the country. BOSS basically addresses the security concerns which emerged with major MS Windows hacks recently in US and China, and this is a great initiative by the GoI in bettering the nation’s cyber security. How vulnerable or hack-proof BOSS is as compared to Windows remains to be seen. An official involved with the building of the operating system stated that BOSS has all essential features one could find in Windows, and where the earlier 2007 version had less features and poor user-interface, the updated version is much better. Software developers are further working on enhancing the overall experience.

What do you think will be the benefit or disadvantage of using a homegrown OS in government office? Do let us know in comments below.

1 Comment

  1. jaffar

    September 17, 2015 at 3:07 pm

    Great, Good news
    Feeling to proud to hear.

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