With ‘You Adored, Me Ignored’ a book written by Ambalika Bhattacharyya, here comes an interesting story of a brave young IT professional named Anam who recognizes her real desire in life and decides to go for it. In fact, Anam decides to leave her IT job to apply for the post of PR executive for sake of personal ambitions, but due to unavoidable reasons fails to adjust in new city called Mumbai. After the disaster, Anam books a ticket back home to find a new way to accomplish her dreams. Now, this is a situation that’s likely to happen with anyone who tries to flow against the trend.
Anyhow, because of these incidents(Leaving her sole bread earning job) unhappy family members along with the quirky relatives continue to make fool of this young, unemployed, unmarried girl. Amidst all the hustle, the strong-headed Anam tries her hand at different fields to prove her self right and comes face to face across different personalities within her own family and in the world outside. Prominent among these are – Her mom or so called Home and Public affairs minister, a unhappy elder brother, Tara aunty (Mother of the so called successful IT Engineer who is earning loads of money with an onside assignment) and a few more with similar thrust; TYSOTES and Jeet whose company is always enjoyed by Anam. Different experiments in her life lead her to some sweet, some bitter outcomes.

How does she become a successful organizer of a film festival and ends up becoming a suspected murderer is a story you will slowly unravel as you lightly breeze through the pages of this book. These events force her to think before making her next move. But as the saying goes – “Fortune Favors The Brave”, young Anam finds a new opportunity with helping hands to find the crest.
Overall, the story is short and sweet. It touches the heart and deserves special mention and praise for it’s brilliant narration. The different characters in the story keep you engaged and interested throughout. The ones who will grip your attention are TYSOTES, Dolly Polly, Jeet, Prish and the BIG Bro. The story would be loved by young and ambitious 20 something girls who are trying to pave their way among the plethora of career options and struggles of a demanding work place. Words such as –
“This time , I want to do what I feel like. And do it in this life. Things I keep dreaming of but dreams keep turning off. So, I’ll be waiting for the right thing. I will know it by the feeling.”
will let you find your inspiration and let you relate to Anam’s life in a better way. Keep it as a quick read on your journeys to the nice places.
Overall Rating – 3/5
About The Author-
Ambalika was born during an extraordinary planetary eclipse that had momentarily wiped off the sunshine from her life. When the darkness threatened to take over, she wrote and wrote, and when the eclipse passed, she found that she had authored this book. When she feels that writing needs a break from her, she switches to her other persona, to coach youngsters and help them communicate better.
With ‘You Adored, Me Ignored’ a book written by Ambalika Bhattacharyya, here comes an interesting story of a brave young IT professional named Anam who recognizes her real desire in life and decides to go for it. In fact, Anam decides to leave her IT job to apply for the post of PR executive for sake of personal ambitions, but due to unavoidable reasons fails to adjust in new city called Mumbai. After the disaster, Anam books a ticket back home to find a new way to accomplish her dreams. Now, this is a situation that’s likely to happen with anyone who tries to flow against the trend.
Anyhow, because of these incidents(Leaving her sole bread earning job) unhappy family members along with the quirky relatives continue to make fool of this young, unemployed, unmarried girl. Amidst all the hustle, the strong-headed Anam tries her hand at different fields to prove her self right and comes face to face across different personalities within her own family and in the world outside. Prominent among these are – Her mom or so called Home and Public affairs minister, a unhappy elder brother, Tara aunty (Mother of the so called successful IT Engineer who is earning loads of money with an onside assignment) and a few more with similar thrust; TYSOTES and Jeet whose company is always enjoyed by Anam. Different experiments in her life lead her to some sweet, some bitter outcomes.
How does she become a successful organizer of a film festival and ends up becoming a suspected murderer is a story you will slowly unravel as you lightly breeze through the pages of this book. These events force her to think before making her next move. But as the saying goes – “Fortune Favors The Brave”, young Anam finds a new opportunity with helping hands to find the crest.
Overall, the story is short and sweet. It touches the heart and deserves special mention and praise for it’s brilliant narration. The different characters in the story keep you engaged and interested throughout. The ones who will grip your attention are TYSOTES, Dolly Polly, Jeet, Prish and the BIG Bro. The story would be loved by young and ambitious 20 something girls who are trying to pave their way among the plethora of career options and struggles of a demanding work place. Words such as –
will let you find your inspiration and let you relate to Anam’s life in a better way. Keep it as a quick read on your journeys to the nice places.
Overall Rating – 3/5
About The Author-
Ambalika was born during an extraordinary planetary eclipse that had momentarily wiped off the sunshine from her life. When the darkness threatened to take over, she wrote and wrote, and when the eclipse passed, she found that she had authored this book. When she feels that writing needs a break from her, she switches to her other persona, to coach youngsters and help them communicate better.