Staring At Screen Over Seven Hours A Day Damages Your Eyes

School of medicines at Keio University in Tokyo found out that people who spend more than seven hours a day in front of the monitor are more likely to suffer from dry eye disease.

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Eyes are lubricated and protected by a tear fluid which contains a protein called the MUC5AC secreted by the cells in the upper lid. The level of this protein in the eyes of the person who continuously stares the monitor for a long period of time is as less as that of a person suffering from dry eye disease.Another reason is that people tend to open there eyelids wide and occasionally blink their eyes while staring at the monitor causing evaporation of the tear which may result into dry eye disease.

People who are bothered about dry eye can prevent the disease by making it sure that the monitor screen is slightly tilted upwards and the uncovered ocular surface area is reduced by placing the terminal at a lower elevation.

A research conducted on 96 Japanese showed that the amount of MUC5AC protein was 38.5 percent low in the tears of the workers who worked for more than 7 hours in front of the monitors as compared to those who worked for less than five hours in front of screens. Among these 96 people, approximately 14 percent were diagnosed with dry eye disease.

This research was published in the JAMA Opthalmology Journal.

1 Comment

  1. alex

    June 25, 2014 at 8:05 pm

    staring at comuters all day isn´t comfy. so, obviously, it wouldn´t be healthy, too. what i found helpful, anyway, is “blinzle”. helps me to stop staring and getting dry eyes.

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