Anurag Kashyap’s latest short film ‘That Day After Everyday’ addresses a highly relevant issue in the present day and age- eve-teasing. This film has three...
The Viva, a Telugu short film by Down2Earth Films (D2E Films), is about the viva exam usually conducted after practicals in engineering institutions. Being on...
This award winning short film is about a boy who realizes the value of freedom. Directed by Uday Gurrala, this film has won many awards, including Best...
Here’s a beautiful short by The Lunchbox director Ritesh Batra, which has entirely been shot in Cairo (Egypt) and narrates a couple’s first big test...
Official Synopsis: A street urchin watches the moon intently… she is in full glory, veiled in her many splendors, can he reach her? Is it possible...
Produced by: Official synopsis- He is a 12 years old boy, who works in a garbage dump and lives in the slum along with his...
Directed by debutante Kamal Sethu, Roadside Ambanis (aka Roadside Entrepreneurs) narrates a tale of two young school dropouts who yearn to kick their own startup one...