After months of teaser images, we have our first proper look and plot details, on what has to be one of the most anticipated and hyped graphic novels from India, ever.

From the website- “Black Mumba is a collection of short stories set in the city of Mumbai, India. The stories are all told through the eyes of a weathered police inspector in a familiar 40s crime noir aesthetic. But in Black Mumba, there are no criminals to catch or villains to foil. The city of Mumbai itself is the quarry – the bleak, weird and yet hopeful nature of life on its streets is at the heart of this collection.
This anthology collects the four stories shown below in over 80 pages and includes bonus art from some of India’s best comic book artists.”
The Creative Team boasts the likes of Ram Venkatesan, Kishore Mohan , Roshan, Devmalya Pramanik and Aditya Bidikar. The book is currently under production and the Kickstarter campaign for for this project launches in May.
You may check out the Black Mumba website here. Show them some love on Twitter and Facebook as well. Check out a few preview pages of the book here.
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