Adobe’s TV publishing platform Primetime and Microsoft’s Azure Media Services shall be delivering live coverage and raw footage of Sochi Olympics on NBC. For this particular Olympics, NBC shall entertain LIVE and on-demand video, with over 1000 hours of live streaming spanned across 15 sports and 98 events, as well as a simpler log-in feature for TV Everywhere, a pay-TV scheme to port the content on smaller screens. Adobe’s Primetime shall get the video content delivered across desktops and smartphones running iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS and Comcast’s X1. For its Primetime PayTV Pass, Adobe shall support just Windows 8.
Olympics shall give Adobe a huge exposure, to basically highlight and advertise its video delivery systems and other marketing and analytis tools. NBC Sports is incorporating Adobe’s Primetime Player, Analytics, Authentication and Ad Insertion units.NBC sports derived lot of flak during its Live-streaming of London Olympics, but Adobe hopes that Sochi Olympics monetizes and delivers the digital content well. All events shall be available LIVE and on-demand, no content shall be behind time.
Major changes involved with Sochi Olympics’ digital video plan include these parameters- Auto-authentication based on a user’s IP addresses, to simplify log-ins on mobile and online videos. Free content-viewing on Primetime for thirty minutes on the first day when users shall need to verify their subscription once. Real-time monitoring to spot and fix outages during high-traffic periods. This Olympics will make clear whether cloud-streaming heavy video content LIVE actually works efficiently. Let’s wait and watch.
Adobe’s TV publishing platform Primetime and Microsoft’s Azure Media Services shall be delivering live coverage and raw footage of Sochi Olympics on NBC. For this particular Olympics, NBC shall entertain LIVE and on-demand video, with over 1000 hours of live streaming spanned across 15 sports and 98 events, as well as a simpler log-in feature for TV Everywhere, a pay-TV scheme to port the content on smaller screens. Adobe’s Primetime shall get the video content delivered across desktops and smartphones running iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS and Comcast’s X1. For its Primetime PayTV Pass, Adobe shall support just Windows 8.
Major changes involved with Sochi Olympics’ digital video plan include these parameters- Auto-authentication based on a user’s IP addresses, to simplify log-ins on mobile and online videos. Free content-viewing on Primetime for thirty minutes on the first day when users shall need to verify their subscription once. Real-time monitoring to spot and fix outages during high-traffic periods. This Olympics will make clear whether cloud-streaming heavy video content LIVE actually works efficiently. Let’s wait and watch.