IIT-Madras makes power as the sun shines, employs it to run Indian Railways’ air-conditioned coaches. This would be the first of its kind project that the world’s largest railway system, Indian Railways, is committing itself to in order to go clean and green. With rising number of AC coaches in the future, it’s plain obvious that the cost and fossil-dependency shall increase, unless an alternative is sought. The Integral Coach Factory (ICF) based at Chennai has collaborated with IIT Madras on this project to design coaches that’ll juice the sun to power up their AC systems, along with the internal lighting.

A senior official with the Integral Coach Factory stated that they’ve engaged IIT-Madras to derive all possible ways by which the solar energy could be tapped. An MoU has been signed a month back, and preliminary discussions with the professors have already begun over the design of a functional model.
Nothing has been revealed over the time that’ll be required by this project to complete.
IIT-Madras makes power as the sun shines, employs it to run Indian Railways’ air-conditioned coaches. This would be the first of its kind project that the world’s largest railway system, Indian Railways, is committing itself to in order to go clean and green. With rising number of AC coaches in the future, it’s plain obvious that the cost and fossil-dependency shall increase, unless an alternative is sought. The Integral Coach Factory (ICF) based at Chennai has collaborated with IIT Madras on this project to design coaches that’ll juice the sun to power up their AC systems, along with the internal lighting.
A senior official with the Integral Coach Factory stated that they’ve engaged IIT-Madras to derive all possible ways by which the solar energy could be tapped. An MoU has been signed a month back, and preliminary discussions with the professors have already begun over the design of a functional model.
Nothing has been revealed over the time that’ll be required by this project to complete.